We teach Bruce Lee's Contemporary Jeet Kune Do as well as Kali Combatives, a Street Evolved Scientific Combat System. Our Contemporary JKD focuses on realistic self-defense in Stand-Up Fighting Methods, Close Quarter Tactics, and Ground Fighting with Biting and Eye Gouging. Training covers Edge Weapons, Blunt Weapons, Projectile, and Multiple Opponent Engagements / Self Defense. Learn Active Shooter / Mass Casualty, Gun Defense / Firearm Disarms, Military Edged Weapons, Rapid Assault Tactics for as developed for Seal Team 6, KinaMutai / Asymmetric Tactics, and LEO Control Tactics from JKD, Kali, Krav Maga and BJJ.
Our program provides practical self-defense and weapon training for Men, Women, Law Enforcement, Military, and Security Professionals. Explore Fight Rhythm Jeet Kune Do, Kali-Silat Motion, Integrated Ground Fighting Systems, and First to Fight Retzev Combatives. This includes defense against Multiple Opponents and Weapons. We prepare you for the Four Main Realities of Self Defense: Stand-Up Kickboxing (Kicking, Punching), Integrated Grappling (Clinch, Trapping & Ground), Weapons Tactics (Offense-Defense), and Multiple Opponents (Mass Attack, Self Defense).
Explore Semi-Private Small Group Classes and Private Personal Training Sessions featuring Bruce Lee's Contemporary Jeet Kune Do & FMA, Southeast Asian Martial Arts (Inosanto - LaCoste Kali, Pekiti Tirsia Kali, Maphilindo Silat, Panantukan, Thai Boxing), Jun Fan JKD Grappling (Jun Fan Gung Fu, Submissions Grappling, Catch Wresling, Jiu-Jitsu), and Israeli Krav Maga. Our offerings go beyond traditional personal training, providing a unique blend of Boxing, Kickboxing, Filthy Mixed Martial Arts, Strength and Conditioning, and more. Sifu Jeramiah, with expertise since the early '90s, is your highly qualified guide in your Martial Art fitness and Personal Training goals. Certified in Contemporary JKD & Kali, Southeast Asian Marital Arts, Chinatown JKD, Combat JuJitsu, ShorinJi Ryu JuJitsu, Israeli Krav Maga, TKD, Rapid Assault Tactics (Clinch & Ground), Military Edged Weapons, LEO Control Tactics, Cage Fitness, Warrior X-Fit, and Fitness Kick-Boxing.
Our Head Instructor is a highly qualified Black Belt Instructor with extensive experience in multiple Martial Arts. As an active PFS/DOM Full Instructor in Contemporary JKD & FMA under Sifu Paul Vunak, he excels in various disciplines. Additionally, he serves as an Associate Instructor in the Jun Fan JKD Grappling Association under Sifu John Doty and holds the title of a 5th Level Professional Grappling Trainer under Sensei David Tice. Proficient in Israeli Krav Maga, he is an Instructor certified by Master Alain Cohen and a Certified Coach in Chinatown JKD under Sifu Tim Tackett. Furthermore, he instructs Double & Single Stick techniques in DFA Kali-KunTao under Guro David Seiwert. Possessing Black Belts in Shorinji Ryu JuJitsu, Combat JuJitsu, and Songahm TKD, he brings a wealth of knowledge to his teachings. His certifications in Active Shooter Defense/Mass Casualty Events, Law Enforcement Control Tactics, Rapid Assault Tactics (Clinch & Ground), and Military Edged Weapons showcase his commitment to comprehensive training. With a teaching journey that began in 1996, his diverse experiences include roles such as JKD|Kali|JuJitsu/Krav Maga Instructor, After School Program Director, Kids JKD|Kali Instructor, UCSD Recreation Center Instructor, Active Shooter Defense Instructor, Krav Maga/Self Defense Instructor, Private Arizona Day School PE Coach, Taekwondo/TKD Kids Class Instructor, and Anti-Drug/Anti-Gang School Assemblies, making him highly qualified to assist you in achieving your goals.

“There isn’t any difference between Jeet Kune Do, Original Jeet Kune Do and Jeet Kune Do Concepts. Whatever you want to call it. It’s the same. To understand the JKD Concept, you have to be trained in the original JKD or Jeet Kune Do that Bruce Lee trained. As he says, JKD is a path to personal enlightenment.” - Dan Inosanto
JKD | Kali | Silat | JuJitsu | Krav Maga

Explore our JKD-Kali-Krav Maga-JuJitsu Phase Method class, an immersive experience encompassing training in six distinct martial arts. Embracing Guro Dan Inosanto's "Phase Classes," our curriculum encourages learning through exploration, scrutiny, and self-reflection. This engaging and demanding class serves as the foundation for your development at CCS. Each session covers Impact Weapons (Sticks), Edged Weapons (Knife), Sensitivity Drills (Trapping/Hubud), Focus Mitt Drills (Boxing/Panantukan/Jun Fan/Thai/Savate), Stand-Up (JKD Kickboxing, Panantukan, Wing Chun, Muay Thai, Savate), Grappling (Dumog/Silat/KunaMutai), and Gun Defense. Our aim is to enhance your fitness while ensuring comfort and enjoyment, prioritizing your safety. Fusing hands-on experiences with knowledge-based instruction, our classes provide a holistic approach. Explore our offerings and reach out to learn more—call to schedule a trial lesson today.
Training Times and Location vary contact us or reach out to us on FB.com/CaliCombatSystems to get the most current information.
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7 PM - 9 PM
10 AM - 12 PM
Private Training
Sessions Available
Meeting in my Garage
Located in 4S Ranch near Poway
10366 Reserve Dr 59, San Diego, CA 92127
E-mail: calicombatsystems@gmail.com
Tel: 760-575-4389
BREAKING NEWS: For more information click "Find out more...."
Please feel free to contact us regarding the classes that you may be interested in taking for more information, available appointment times and current meeting location.
Contact us via phone via 760-575-4389, email at calicombatsystems@gmail.com or FB.
To stay up to date with us follow us at FB.com/CaliCombatSystems and InstaGram.com/calicombatsystems.