The Rapid Assault Tactics ( RAT ) system was developed by American instructor Paul Vunak in the 1980s, especially for the US Navy Seals Team-6 as the main combat training program with a body of special forces, based on the theories of martial art Jeet Kune Do , the art created by the legendary Bruce Lee ...
What RAT differs from any other martial art or system is the concept of Straight Blast . Through Straight Blast the opponent's base and balance is disturbed, acts as a balancing tool to tackle a larger opponent than us and leads to quick and efficient use of catastrophic techniques such as: Head , Knee , Agony and Kina Mutai (bites, eye hits , finger fractures and bites) to neutralize the opponent ...
RAT is perhaps the most efficient, practical and effective system of modern self-defense and survival, ideal for dealing with incidents of violent engagement and self-defense for men and women! RAT differs radically from other classical systems of supposedly "realistic" self-defense where learning is done by imitating sterile techniques, with inexhaustible practice in set techniques and scenarios with predefined movements that do not correspond to the harsh reality of unpredictable violence and street attacks ...
The RAT is designed for survival and self-preservation and is ideal when a situation has escalated, where physical integrity and life are at stake, and the only option is the use of destructive techniques to preserve life!
The main part of the RAT system is associated with the acquisition of advanced technical and theoretical knowledge in HOW and WHETHER head, butts, knees & elbows (HKE ) are used. Exercise is done in a completely safe and progressive way for the trainee, with the first aim to improve his alertness and psychological readiness and with a second and odd goal to familiarize himself with his techniques and realistic application in a stressful and non-conspiratorial battle environment !
RAT is based on 3 fundamental principles:
Resolution - Termination of conflict (Unblock - Termination of conflict)
Bruce Lee realized that the best way to avoid the constant exchange of hits with the opponent is interception , that is, direct hits in the opponent's primary attack time (by striking, for example, in the eyes or in the genitals) to cause pain and injury so as to disrupt and reduce the opponent's ability to make a closet in a safer way, where is the basic theory of Jeet Kune Do martial art. Paul Vunak added " destructions " from the Filipino Kali ( Filipino Kali ), meaning knocks at nerve points and over rival members for pain and weakening, in the minor attack time.
All martial arts are based on the existence of a balanced body base for efficient ballistic production, what Bruce Lee has discovered is that when the body moves backwards (the weight is on the heels) then the opponent's scalability is eliminated, this is achieved through the Straight Blast . The theory comes from Wing Chun martial art and is called Jik Chun Choy , Bruce Lee has completely modified it for Jeet Kune Do 's artwork, making it more efficient on a kinetic basis and substantially easier to use.
3.Resolution - Termination of conflict (Unblock - Termination of conflict)
Fast disengagement and termination of engagement is the primary concern in the RAT system, as the engaging time is prolonged, the outcome is more difficult, the purpose is to cause rapid and catastrophic injuries, mechanical malfunctions in the human body, and psychological disorganization for easy and safe escape. This is achieved by using HKE on 3 levels parallel ( High , Medium , Low ).
RAT is not just a simple fighting technique but it is mainly the awareness and understanding of the phases of a battle. Most people are involved in a Street Fighting without having a plan and strategy. They just struggle to win, lose or escape ... In this way they leave the situation to the luck factor ... If one gets involved in a battle with a clear and effective plan ( Entry, Pressure, Termination ), then they increase significantly the chances of a successful outcome of the fight!