In the realm of Jun Fan Gung Fu and Jeet Kune Do (JKD), Chris Kent's opening statement in the Jun Fan / Jeet Kune Do textbook encapsulates my comprehension of these martial arts. This understanding has been cultivated through my training with notable figures like Paul Vunak, Tim Tackett, Dan Inosanto, Burton Richardson, Daniel Sullivan, and Ron Balicki.
To articulate it succinctly, Jun Fan Gung Fu serves as the bedrock upon which the Jeet Kune Do edifice is erected. As Dan Inosanto asserts, the nomenclature—be it Jeet Kune Do, Original Jeet Kune Do, or Jeet Kune Do Concepts—is immaterial; they are essentially synonymous. According to Inosanto, delving into the concepts of JKD mandates a grounding in the original JKD that Bruce Lee practiced, for JKD is a pathway to personal liberation.
Paul Vunak underscores that Original JKD resides within Contemporary JKD/JKD Concepts. Despite being a trailblazer in what is termed JKD Concepts, Vunak claims a greater affinity with those who identify with Original JKD. Mike Blesch, in his piece "The JKD Filter," elucidates that, for those of us using Jun Fan Gung Fu and JKD as a filter to refine and adapt, Original JKD is not just central but imperative. The distinction between this approach and mere eclecticism or Mixed Martial Arts (MMA) can be perplexing.
It's disheartening that many fail to recognize that the foundation of JKD Concepts is, in fact, Original JKD. The misperception that JKD Concepts dismisses or omits Original JKD is a recurring issue. The intention here is not to delve into JKD politics but to educate on the essence of JKD Concepts. A legitimate expression of JKD can only authentically manifest on the bedrock of Original JKD. Those debating Original JKD versus JKD Concepts may not grasp or may be unwilling to acknowledge that within the authentic teaching of "JKD Concepts," Original JKD is not just relevant but indispensable.
As a student and instructor of both Original JKD and JKD Concepts, my aspiration is for mutual appreciation and respect. Bruce Lee's assertion that "under heaven we are all but one family" resonates here. Those cognizant of the genesis and evolution of JKD Concepts recognize Original JKD as its rightful and essential foundation. In the words of Paul Vunak, "it is in there" within JKD Concepts.
Teaching mere eclecticism under the guise of JKD Concepts is a misnomer. JKD Concepts can only thrive with Original JKD as its underpinning. Rectifying this misconception is crucial, and those practicing Original JKD within JKD Concepts can play a role in elucidating this.
I personally emphasize starting with Original JKD and Jun Fan Martial Arts in my instruction, elucidating the transition to JKD Concepts or further into Contemporary JKD, along with the rationale behind it. According to Paul Vunak, Jun Fan Gung Fu was crafted in response to Full Contact Karate, JKD Concepts emerged in the era of American Full Contact Kickboxing/Karate, and Contemporary JKD represents the final evolution, still incorporating Original JKD.
This insight, drawn from my understanding and learning over the years, may help clarify misconceptions and shed light on the nuances and distinctions within the JKD landscape. Holding Original JKD as foundational to JKD Concepts or Contemporary JKD, and utilizing the JKD Filter to explore and adapt fighting arts, aligns with the ethos of evolving combat, as envisioned by Bruce Lee. Let's not become mere custodians of the past, but instead, continue to breathe life into the dynamic martial art that Bruce Lee conceived.