Grappling stands as an indispensable component of Jeet Kune Do (JKD), rooted in the foundational teachings of legendary figures such as Larry Hartsell, Richard Bustillo, and Dan Inosanto. Their influence, particularly during the transformative period of 1966-1967, resonates through various documents, including the Tao of JKD, John Little's JKD book, Hartsell and Tim Tackett's JKD Entering to Trapping to Grappling series, and Chris Kent's encyclopedic JKD book.
Bruce Lee's journey in grappling was profound, involving training with renowned Judoka and grapplers like Nishoka Hayward, Wally Jay, and Gene LeBell in Seattle, Oakland, and LA. Grappling techniques were deeply embedded in his teachings, encompassing 33 techniques that laid the groundwork for a robust grappling foundation.
During the Jun Fan Gung Fu era in Seattle and Oakland, Bruce Lee had yet to coin the term JKD. It's crucial to distinguish between the two eras and acknowledge the evolution that occurred around 1966/67 when the shift to JKD transpired. The core practitioners, including Larry Hartsell, Bustillo, and Inosanto, affirm the existence of a Trapping to Grappling curriculum during this transformative period.
Post this pivotal period, JKD embraced sparring and pressure testing, leading to alterations in training methodologies. While group classes at the Chinatown JKD school may not heavily emphasize grappling, advanced students, instructors, and assistants recognize the importance of grappling in JKD.
It is erroneous to claim that grappling is not an intrinsic part of JKD or to narrow it down solely to counter grappling. The narrative that denies the role of grappling in JKD is debunked by the documented evidence provided by credible sources like Hartsell, Bustillo, Inosanto, Tackett, and Kent.
In conclusion, grappling is an undeniable element of JKD, deeply embedded in its historical roots and validated by the testimonials and documented evidence from esteemed practitioners. Dismissing grappling as incongruent with JKD is not only factually incorrect but also obscures the rich heritage and multifaceted nature of this dynamic martial art. Let's dispel the misguided narrative and recognize the integral role of grappling in Jeet Kune Do.